Tuesday, October 21, 2008


Atlanta Photographer Matthew Lane- A great friend of ours visited us last week from Norway . She’s an American who had been in Scandinavia for the last year or so and this is her first visit back to the States. I had let her escape without shooting her once and I vowed not to let it happen again. So we schedule a shoot for a Thursday evening at my home studio. Before the shoot, she had requested that our mutual girl friends Erika and Holly be there. I said “Of course”. What I didn’t know was that evening was the first time the girls had seen each other since Kymry had come into to town. I started to doubt where or not we were going to get this shoot in at all. But low and behold we got started about 9:30pm thanks to some encouragement from me and the girls. Kymry is a stunning beauty but you can’t tell her that. She is one of the most self conscience people I’ve met when it comes to body image. With this knowledge I was determined to capture her best. The shoot started off with the girls really goofing around. This is good as you want your models to be loose. Especially if they are not confident and experienced. So we got quite a few hilarious shots from these moments. Eventually during an outfit change the two girls went upstairs, leaving me and Kymry alone. When we commenced shooting, she really came alive. She was moving and posing like she had been doing it all her life. She needed little direction which was good as I was exhausted and doing my best to hang on. See more at my Flickr site http://www.flickr.com/photos/zazenphoto/ scroll till you see her.

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