Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Atlanta Photographer Matthew Lane-

Lighting On Two Planes

As I subscribe to the Strobist site, I often find myself recreating some of the featured exercises. Lighting on two planes was the subject of this post.

David(Strobist) highlighted a shot by user Nyonin that lit some Turkish delight sitting on a green surface. The question was how did the shooter shoot the surface green without getting green on the subject. It was such a simple setup that expresses such an important lighting concept. The first plane is the soft light to illuminate the subject. The second plane was a strobe aimed at the background with a green gel. The key is the camera angle. With the camera at the angle in which this shot was taken, the green wall is perfectly reflected onto the surface. This is my setup shot in attempt to recreate the Turkish delight shot.

I places the figure on the reflective plexy-glass and lit it with the large diffused light of a shoot thru umbrella. This was filed with a silver reflector camera right. The green surface was created by lighting the blank wall with a green gel'd strobe. The blank green wall reflect off the surface of the plexy-glass to crate the desired affect. Here is the final shot.

Cool huh?


Anonymous said...
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Brian said...

Very cool!